Subject verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar. It refers to the correct use of verbs concerning the subject of a sentence. It is the application of accurate verb tenses to correspond with the subject of a sentence.
In English grammar, the basic rule of subject verb agreement is that a singular subject necessitates a singular verb, while a plural subject requires a plural verb. For instance, the sentence, “She runs every morning,” uses a singular subject, “she,” which requires a singular verb, “runs.” On the other hand, the sentence, “They run every morning,” uses a plural subject, “they,” which requires a plural verb, “run.”
Moreover, subject verb agreement can be challenging in instances with compound subjects. A compound subject is a subject with more than one noun or pronoun. When using compound subjects, it is vital to remember that the subject should agree with the verb based on whether it is singular or plural. For example, the sentence, “John and Mary are going to the store,” uses a compound subject “John and Mary” that requires the plural verb “are.”
Another common challenge in subject verb agreement is dealing with collective nouns. A collective noun refers to a group of people or things regarded as a single entity. For example, “The team is playing well” uses a collective noun, “team,” which requires a singular verb, “is.”
It is also crucial to pay attention to the tense of the verb when it comes to subject verb agreement. Tense refers to the time in which an action happened, is happening, or will happen. For instance, the sentence “I walked to the store” uses the past tense of the verb “walk,” while the sentence “I am walking to the store” uses the present tense.
In conclusion, subject verb agreement is the cornerstone of proper grammar. The basic rule of singular subjects requiring singular verbs and plural subjects requiring plural verbs must always be observed. Additionally, it is crucial to pay attention to compound subjects, collective nouns, and tense to ensure that verbs agree with their subjects in any given sentence. By mastering subject verb agreement, you can elevate your writing to the next level and communicate effectively with your audience.